
Our training programmes, classes and courses are designed to help teach your dog good canine manners as well as enable your puppy or dog to socialise with other dogs.

Using rewards based and positive training methods, our AVS Accredited Certified dog trainers will ensure that your dog or puppy learns in the most suitable environment possible.

Basic Obedience – Private Training

  • Three 1h sessions
  • This package is valid for 3 months from date of registration
  • For rates, click here

Private training works best if your dog is nervous, fearful or too excitable and distracted around new people and dogs. This programme gives us time to teach your dog basic obedience skills at a pace that is least stressful for your dog. Socialisation is also incorporated under close guidance and supervision so that you learn how to teach your dog good canine manners.

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Basic Obedience – Group Class Training

(Suspended at the moment due to unfavourable weather conditions ☔️)

Number of sessions: Six 1h sessions (held every consecutive week)


Trainer: Kimberly Tan 

Venue: BEDOK
Trainer: Poh Su Lin


  • This class is suitable only if your dog is friendly, outgoing and fully vaccinated
  • If your dog is fearful, reactive, aggressive, barkish or too distracted outdoors, please choose private training (see next programme below)
  • Female dogs on heat are not allowed to attend
  • For rates, click here

This six-week course is for dogs four months and older. There is no UPPER age limit since it is NEVER too late to have a good canine citizen.


We will teach you how to read your dog’s body language and focus on appropriate social skills with dogs and humans during on-leash introductions.

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Using rewards based positive reinforcement methods, this programme covers basic obedience training (sit, down, stay, come, and loose leash walking) and imparts to you techniques in teaching your dog good canine manners.