Puppy Start-It-Right

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Puppy parents, listen up! Puppy Start-It-Right is what you need for the new furry addition to your family and home! To ensure a successful start, we will guide you in the key aspects of bringing-up your puppy with two carefully curated packages.


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3 Private Training Sessions

Session 1: Relationship Building, Creating Structure, Potty Training, Addressing common puppy behaviours like nipping, jumping, excessive barking, separation anxiety

Session 2: Introducing the collar/harness and leash. Introducing loose leash walking and foundation cues like Leave It, Watch Me, Recall, Release Cue OK and Marker word YES!

Session 3: Outdoor loose leash walking for exposure to environment, confidence building, socialization and inculcating good manners when meeting other dogs and people.

  • Three 1h Private Training Sessions 
  • The dates and times for the 1h Private Training Sessions will be scheduled to suit your convenience
  • This package is valid for 3 months from date of registration
  • For rates, click here


1 Private Training Session + 6 Basic Obedience – Group Class Training Sessions

The content covered for the private training session is similar to the first Private Training Session in Package A.

The Basic Obedience – Group Class Training covers basic obedience cues: SIT, DOWN, COME and STAY. We will also teach you loose leash heeling outdoors with some controlled distractions.

  • For puppies four to six months
  • The date and time for the 1h Private Training Session will be scheduled to suit your convenience
  • For the dates and times, and venues of Basic Obedience – Group Class Training, click here
  • The cost of the 1h Private Training Sessions is dependent on the location
  • For rates, click here


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Socialisation is an important aspect of a puppy’s upbringing. A well-socialised puppy becomes a happy and emotionally balanced dog that knows how to interact and play with other dogs.


(Read our blog post to find out why it is extremely important to socialise your puppy)

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